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 Home     February 12, 2025  
Welcome to the Belles and Beaus! Minimize
Welcome to the Matthews Belles & Beaus Square Dance Club!    We dance on the 2nd & 4th Friday nights at the Eagles Nest Scout Hut at Matthews United Methodist Church, 801 S. Trade St, Matthews, NC  28105.  

This is a gray building on the far right side of the church campus.  It faces Trade St. at the corner of Fullwood and Trade. Enter from the side at the large room on the back with double doors.  Look for directional signs.

Early Rounds start at 7:00 pm, and we dance from 7:30 - 9:30 pm, alternating Squares and Rounds 

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 TitleModified DateSize 
Regular Dance 7 PM Early Rounds, 7:30-9:30 PM Squares & Rounds1/13/2019110.78 KBDownload
Our Caller Minimize

Danny Thomas is our club caller, and he and his wife, Peggy, live in Rock Hill SC.  We are delighted to have them as members and appreciate the fun dances Danny calls.  Check out the great pictures Peggy posts on "Matthews Belles & Beaus" and “Carolina Promenaders” Facebook pages.  If you would like to give Danny a call, his phone number is (803) 328-0289.

Our Cuer Minimize

Peggy Broadway cues Rounds for us, and we are always delighted to have Peggy and her husband, Al, at our dances.

 Copyright 2010 by Belles and Beaus Square Dance Club   Terms Of Use  Privacy Statement   
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