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Why Dance? --- WHY NOT! Minimize
In Modern Western Square Dancing you’ll find fun of a type impossible to express in words; new friends, genuine laughter and great exercise.
But I Don't Dance! Minimize
If you can walk to music, you can square dance. Many of today’s most experienced dancers had never danced before being introduced to square dancing.
 About Square Dancing     January 16, 2025  
If You're Looking For: Minimize

  1.  Something to do as a couple, family, individually, or with friends.

  2.  A place to let your hair down and have FUN

  3.  An excellent stress reliever

  4.  Great, easy physical exercise

  5.  Mental stimulation

  6.  Lots of new friends from all walks of life

  7.  An alcohol-free environment

  8.  Inexpensive entertainment

  9.  Options in programs and dress

10.  An activity that is enjoyed locally, state wide, country wide, and worldwide


Then, Check It Out!

You may not have to look any further! We just may have the answer for you! That's right, and it's not as "square" as you might think! People from all walks of life participate! It's a renewed pastime of FUN, Fitness & Friendship!

We are having a FREE "Open House" fun night of dancing for anyone interested in learning to square dance on Wednesday, February 13, 2019
; and classes will begin on Wednesday, February 20, from 7-9 PM at the Eagle' Nest Scout Hut at Matthews United Methodist Church, 801 S. Trade St., Matthews, NC  28105
What is Modern Square Dancing? Minimize
Modern Square Dancing is truly a worldwide activity. A square consists of four couples dancing set patterns under the direction of a caller. It is characterized by a smooth shuffling walk to music in contrast to the older style, which usually has only one couple moving at a time. In modern square dancing the general pattern is to have everyone in motion. Gone is the wild swinging and roughness of yesteryear. Even the music has changed to include modern beats and melodies. Most of all it is non-competitive.
Options in Attire Minimize
Ladies, you have options in attire…..from a vast variety of the beautiful and colorful traditional attire, to a wide variety of liberalized socially-acceptable (“today”) styles. Gentlemen, there are also equal options for you! You choose!
How Can I Learn? Minimize
Square Dancing requires a series of dance classes to learn the fundamentals (mainstream). Clubs and callers in the Charlotte and surrounding area sponsor these classes. The fun starts the first time you “Square Up” and the fellowship lasts for a lifetime.  Contact Brenda Lemmond at 704-519-8805, and we'll help you find a place to learn Modern Western Square Dancing!
 Copyright 2010 by Belles and Beaus Square Dance Club   Terms Of Use  Privacy Statement   
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